Saturday 14th July 2018

There is no access to checkpoint 3 at Mauldslie Bridge. All ultra runners and realy team leaders have been emailed full instructions. 11/07/18



 Welcome to The Clyde Stride Ultra Marathon

The Clyde Stride provides the opportunity to race along one of Scotland’s most accessible new pathways. It runs from Glasgow (Partick Railway Station) along the Clyde through Strathclyde Regional Park, the Unesco World Heritage Site at New Lanark, and the Falls of Clyde Nature Reserve to finish adjacent to the Visitor Centre. The superb track and scenery ensure a rapid rise to ultra stardom for the The Stride.


This is a self-navigating event, this applies to full ultra marathon and relay teams alike. Please familiarise yourself with the race descriptions and maps (external site) prior to the event. Training runs are organised on a regular basis. Please check the facebook group for details.

Car sharing to the race

This year we are using a car sharing website developed by a runner that aims to save you money, and reduce the carbon footprint of the event:

https://RaceLifts.org car sharing

We would be most grateful if EVERYONE coming to the Clyde Stride Ultra Marathon race could try out the site (even if you don't expect to car share). It only takes a minute and is completely free to use. As well as saving you petrol money, it will ease the parking headaches for us at the race.


Charity Partner for 2017

14/03/2017 15:08
We are delighted to announce that Hamilton District Food Bank will be our nominated charity for 2017.The aim of the foodbank is to provide an emergency supply of at least three days worth of meals to individuals and families who find themselves struggling to put food on the table in times of...